My mom and I went to see it and we liked it. Beautiful scenery, good characters, and a decent story (once we figured out what it was about). The beginning jumped right in, like a sequel and left us feeling like we had missed out on the previous story, but things were slowly revealed.
This was no academy award winner, sure, but I found it enjoyable, and not overly fluffy. They aren't making any romances anymore and I miss going and seeing them. It's escapism. Feel good storylines, beautiful scenery, pretty people. We need more of this.
We almost didn't go because we heard all of the controversial casting and what a horrible movie it was. It wasn't bad.
I'd love to see more Under the Tuscan Sun, Chocolat, 50 First Dates, You've Got Mail, and some cute Doris Day types.
And really, what's the last romance that was made that got any decent reviews?
I see all the Marvel with my husband, the art house with my son, and the Pitch Perfect types with my daughter. What's wrong with a little romance for us moms?
There is absolutely nothing wrong with romance for anyone. Last romance to get decent reviews? Well there's Her, Before Midnight, Age of Adeline, Silver Linings Playbook, and The Fault in Our Stars that all got great reviews.
I'm a dude, and I like ALL kinds of movies from Marvel, to art house, to romances. This was NOT a GOOD romance film.
I'm also a HUGE Cameron Crowe fan, he started his career with hits like the teen drama Rom Com Say Anything… (which is a classic), Jerry Maguire, and Almost Famous (My fav of his). Ever since Vanilla Sky he went downhill.
In terms of the film it started out pretty good, but the plot was wears thin quick, and Emma Stone was completely miscast. Not even in terms of not being 1/4 Hawaiian, or 1/4 Chinese, but she did not come off as air force watchdog. She just looked so silly.
People who are saying, "Oh she's only a quarter of those things so its not suppose to be noticeable" have probably truly never looked at people. Emma Stone is pure European!!! People may not notice they have certain other features in their blood, until THEY POINT IT OUT. Nothing about Emma Stone screams Hawaiian and Chinese. Today, there would be no chance Natalie Wood would be cast as Maria in West Side Story today cuz that would be looked at strange for obvious reason.
I mean no offense but in films like 50 First Dates, the only truly Hawaiian people in the movie are the people pouring drinks…people may say "Oh thats Hollywood has always been." but that is exactly the problem and why Hollywood needs to change.
It also bothers me that people are comparing this to Michael B. Jordan as the Human Torch. Michael B. Jordan is not a black man playing a white character. He is playing this character as black man, while Emma Stone was in fact playing an Asian and Hawaiian.
It's funny how this Zansa idiot is calling anyone a racist because they comment on Emma Stone being miscast.
I also think Crowe has lost his touch, and I think Jerry Maguire was his last classic RomCom movie while Almost Famous, while I really liked it upon my first viewing when it came out, really comes across as schmaltzy and contrived after subsequently seeing it 10 years later.
Her Asian heritage was irrelevant. It was her Polynesian roots that were central to the plot. Lot of Asian activists pounced on this movie to usurp a Polynesian role. Very craven power grab. Not a good look.
And I wonder if the more sincere critics even watched the movie. Becuase her character was constantly fighting the perception that she didn't belong with the locals. Even the king was leery, suspecting superficial flattery. None of this would have been apparent if she was played by an obviously hapa actress., she was definitely not miscast.
I thought it had some really funny and touching scenes. Bradley Cooper has never been more handsome. It took a little bit to figure some of it out - but I thought it paid off plenty well. I don't understand the dislike for it. I think people just see a lot of negative reviews and feel like it's cool to agree with them. This is every star a 7 star movie.
I totally agree. I had no misconceptions, never read a review as i just watched this on Netflix, and i love Bradley Cooper lol, so whatever he was in would be fine by me, so i went in watching it with no preconceptions.
I enjoyed it. Yes it was a little slow at the start as I wasnt sure what was going on I think having him arrive with a dead fallen soldier kind of confused...was he part of it, or ?
Then it fell into place, i should have listened more and less goggling of his handsome blue eyes lol, as he was saying in the background he was going back and why....listen dear, listen lol.
I loved it. It was just a straight forward romance, with a bit of baddy in it, and do you know the character Carson Welch weirdly reminded me of Donald Trump....could almost imagine him doing similar and standing on a lonely beach totally gone ga ga lol......
It also had some history about Hawaii and the scenery was breathtaking.
People didnt get Emma Stone as 1/4 Hawaiian but i did, as to be honest I never looked at the cast didnt recognise her lol, and for me she could have been quarter anything. Where is this misconception someone who is 1/4 of something has to look like that race, they dont. My daughter is 1/4 Italian and is blonde and looks like her british father. I am half an italian and yes I look like my mother, but genetics can be made up any old way, depending on what her 1/4 was mixed with.
Well i enjoyed it, and the end made me cry the realisation on the face of the child was amazing. Nice clean movie, and the baddy got it in the end lol.