God Brittany Murphy looked like hell here!
I'd always been a HUGE fan of Brittany Murphy, and thought her so incredibly amazingly beautiful with a sexy body. I had been envious of her body for years, but when I saw her in this film....all I could say was "What the hell happened to her????" She looked like she'd been drinking heavily or doing drugs for years!!!
Even her voice , which was always soft and unique, sounded unrecognizable.
I was shocked to hear about her death, and I still feel bad about it as I kind of 'grew up watching her' as we're basically the same age. I wonder if she herself was depressed and using drugs or alcohol. Either way, I so hope she's at peace.
"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."