Season 3 possable reworks

i like to see them add a new guy into the mix like kevin james or Matthew Perry maybe they had a drug problem or a drink problem and one of the othr guys help him out also i like to see a possable rekindle of Ray Romano Joe Tranelli getting back with his wife as a mistake or Owen Thoreau Jr. loseing the car lot give it a big plot instead of small plots then end quicky :)


Matthew Perry has his own TV show right now...Mr Sunshine. It's literally on right now on ABC. LOL.

No, I don't want to see anything bad happening to Owen like losing the car dealership. I want to see him stand up to his big bully Daddy!!!


Actually.. losing the carlot.. might not be such a BAD thing for Owen.. the carlot has NEVER been Owen's dream.. it might have been his FATHER's dream for him.. but him selling the lot.. and doing something different? Which.. it looks like they are heading to a compromise.. when Owen KEEPING the lot.. and forgins ahead with the body shop...

the IMPORTANT thing.. is Owen FINALLY needs to get out of the shadow of his father.. from the episode "Powerless" last season.. when he talks about getting that loan.. and trying to do his OWN thing.. even though it failed.. for him.. that HAD to be, at the time, the proudest moment of his life. I think more than anything, even though he HATES to admit it, he wants his father to be proud that he does NOT need his image (which was a big CROCK apparently as we saw last season.. or at least HIGHLY inflated) to succeed.


You cannot be serious.

"The people at the bank call me Marty!
