Joe is out of control

So now Joe is a bookie? I am not familiar with gambling, but from the looks of it, Joe has gone from supposedly NOT gambling, to the highest form of gambling, being a bookie. And also, I may miss some things now and then, but I know he started out helping out Manfro by picking up money, but now he is actually doing this for himself, right? I mean, Manfro does not know Joe is taking these bets? Also the just-for-sex relationship with the wild, barely able to take out in public woman is getting more and more nasty looking.


Yes, you've got it right. Did you see last night's episode yet?


I just watched it. I had it DVR'd. It seems at the end of the episode Joe is ending all his bad habits/influences. Is that what you saw, too? We'll see what happens. I am wondering if he will give Manfro any money from the money he got with Manfro's betting customers. This show is one of few that hold my interest to see what's going to happen to the characters next, so I hope it stays on the air.


i actually started a thread about Joe's gambling & the wack-a-doo he was, um, "seeing", while i was watching last nite's show ("Can't Let That Slide")...
but by the end of the hour i deleted it (my thread) because it seems Joe has resolved the situation...

he saw so much of himself in that poor schmuck gambler who lost 5 grand on a bet...he was crying that his wife left him & took his 5 & 7 year old kids, that his life was in the toilet, sob, sob, sob...
when Joe saw that, i guess he decided that he just couldn't go back to that "life"...
he also stopped answering the phone calls from the skank after she sent him the text message asking him, "did you shake anybody down today?"...
she was a really, really annoying airhead!

i hope we're done with this part of Joe's life - once & for all!!

now Terry - that's a whole 'nother story!
he's beginning to creep me out, but i don't want to hi-jack your thread, so i won't say any more about him...

Measure twice; Cut once.


This is just great writing. I love where they're taking this character.

I think Joe believes that if he's on the other side of the bet, it's not gambling. He keeps finding ways to gamble without calling it gambling, just as he was making those bets in his mind in the first 6 episodes.

However, after seeing that poor sap poor out his heart to Joe when it came time to pay up, I think Joe will stop this for good. The next scene he was shown with his children and I'm sure it's quite apparent to him that if he keeps on going down this path as a bookie, he might end up like the other guy.


wait, y'all believed the electronics store guy?

anyway...good thing Joe didn't tell Manfro about that guy's bet, or he(Joe)'d probably have to cover it

wonder what will happen when Manfro finds out Joe's been taking his (Manfro's) action behind his back, all while helping out during the chemo? maybe that's the beat-down they showed in the promo?


wait, y'all believed the electronics store guy?...

yeah, i believed his story - it never crossed my mind that he was lying to Joe...

i think he was a reminder to Joe that his (Joe's) life was just like that...a guy addicted to gambling who loses wife, kids, everything for the sake of that "one big win" to get themselves out of the crapper...

the guy still owed Joe $5k, didn't he? and Joe would have to cover that bet himself, right? i thought that's why he was asking Manfro about the money situation when he placed big bets with him...

my gambling involves buying an occasional lottery ticket & hitting a casino once in a blue moon...i haven't placed bets thru' a bookie myself, so i'm not quite sure how it works...

Measure twice; Cut once.


Even if the electronic store guy was lying to Joe, it still was a great reminder to Joe of everything he lost because of his gambling. I mean, it was like listening to another guy describe your life for the last two years. Joe may have thought he beat his demons by taking bets instead of placing them, but it's the same situation, because he has to cover those big losses. Between Owen telling him the story from work and the story with the electronics guy, I was really happy to see Joe make the right decision and hopefully leave gambling in the past.


I kinda half believed him, but I did, of course, see the parallel to Joe's life

I don't know if the guy still owes Joe the money, it sort of seemed like he was telling the guy to 'forget about it' as he left the store; I don't know if Joe has to cover it, since he never told Manfro about it; I think Joe was asking Manfro what happens to try to learn 'how to be a bookie,' and that, combined with his talk with Owen about firing Bruce, made him go see the guy after hours

I don't know the 'rules of bookies,' either, but since it's illegal, and therefore unregulated, I'm guessing the rules are whatever the bookie and his muscle say they are


I Think Joe took the Electronic Store Guys bet "On the Side"... Manfr didn't know about it. So, No skin of Joe's nose if he let's the guy (Who reminds him of himself) slide.


i don't understand the "on the side" bet...

they're not using Monopoly play $$ here...

wouldn't Joe have had to actually place the bet with $5k?
what if the guy's team had won?
Joe would have to "pay off" on the winning bet, right?
as it was, the guy lost, so he owes Joe 5 grand...

how is that "no skin off Joe's nose"?

so, whether Joe told Manfro or not, is inconsequential - i think...

it's obvious i don't know a helluva lot about betting with a bookie!

Measure twice; Cut once.



It IS kind of consequential whether cancer stricken Manfro knows or not. Thats the point. It's key to the story line. Follow me here:

By NOT PLACING with Manfro, Joe is trying his OWN attempt at Bookie Status. He's trying to move from a "Numbers Runner" to a full fledged "Bookie" by doing this.
That's why the "Hey Vegas, Who'd ya shake down today" comment bugged the crap out of him and he shut that annoying broad down.

And, a little reality check here, Bookies place and control the lines that they KNOW they have the advantage of winning. Real Bookies Don't give the same spreads. They ain't in the business of being fair; Odds are in their favor more often than not. Have you ever heard the phrase: "What do you think this is? VEGAS?!?"

Whether you want to believe it or not, Joe did the research, and the odds were in his favor. We dont even know what spread he gave the guy in fact,(it was talked about, but I dont recall we even knew what the final line was); so no matter how nice of a guy Joe is, in this situation, he had a leg up and he took advantage over the Store least I believe.

So, Joe more than likely WOULDNT have to cough up the money. Yeah, he played the odds too(smartly as BOOKIES do) but it was advantage Joe all the way.

And, That my friend, is WHY he felt sorry for him. understand what i'm getting at?

Oh yeah, and be glad that you don't know about street gambling.

After all Joe has been around enough gambling to know how all of this works works. right?


thank you, Stone230, for your's better than any online research i've tried to get on "betting with a bookie"...

still a bit confusing, but i understand a little bit better now...

just another question - and don't run out of patience with me, o.k.?:

so, are you saying that Joe placed a bet on the team that had the odds in his favor? thereby being able to cover the Store Guys's $5k bet?

understandably, they're not covering all the details about Joe & Manfro and the gambling stuff - that would be TMI for the show...

and yeah, i am glad my "street gambling" only extends to buying an occasional lottery ticket at the Circle K when i buy gasoline!

Measure twice; Cut once.


No, Joe checked to see what the spread was. I highly doubt he offered the very same bet to the guy in the store, because it was 5 points, if I remember correctly. If Joe lost that, he was out of a lot of money. That's one thing that Manfro told Joe, that when he took Joe's huge bets, he placed his own bets because if he lost, that was too much money to cover.

We don't know if Joe placed another bet on the side to cover the losses if he did, I don't think they ever said. For all we know, Joe still made money even covering that guy's debt. I'd say that's the logical answer considering he let the guy off the hook for 5 grand.

All I can do is hope that Joe sincerely walks away from gambling.


Running a book is like insurance. You can't do it with just a couple of clients/customers. You have to have the steady income to cover the "fluke" wins.

Joe's experiment with being a bookie was going to go bad one way or another.

I just hope he stiffs the other guy any money he "thinks" he owes him. The guy is no friend anymore. Turn him in....see how long he can pay his chemo when his assets go to the feds as "ill gotten gains".

I really hope I get to see that character die before the show is over.
