The 'MEN' on Piers Morgan

Hope everyone on this board caught the guys on Friday's show. If not, they show reruns over the weekend. Only wish the entire hour had been dedicated to the "MEN", rather than having to split it with actor Kevin Bacon.


No! I don't watch Piers Morgan but I will see if I can catch it sometime this weekend. I bet it was good.


Hope you'll get a chance to see it. I don't watch Piers Morgan on a regular basis, but try to tune in when there is a particular celebrity or person I want to see. Didn't even know the guys were on it; just got lucky flipping channels. Then I had a chance to see it again later on that same evening. I'm so glad that some of these talk shows have repeats - perhaps it's also on CNN's website?


Piers Morgan is a gimmygeets, so I don't watch his show.


Anything to get the show exposed to the general public.



I dont know what a gimmygeets is, but


Then apparently you dont watch Men of a Certain Age??? Manfro "coined" the term...

Agree with you about Morgan though.


I missed this. I'm hoping it will get uploaded somewhere (it's not on Youtube yet).


Ugh, not worth it to wade through talentless Piers Morgan.
