Series Finale...again???

What are they doing...trying to fit three full seasons in 12 months? I bet they charge the DVD seasons as much as if they ere 24 episodes. Heck, the entire series (three seasons) isn't even as long as one full network season.

I know this is not a network, and Romano wanted a light schedule, but come seasons? To me this is Season 1, Part 3.


This is still the second season. The first season was 10 episodes, and the second is 12 episodes broken into two half seasons. The last episode in January wasn't really a season finale, but a mid-season finale. Cable has been doing this for years, but there are usually more episodes in a season.


Oh. Well, they did indeed say "season finale" on their facebook page in January--which caused an uproar--but they must have been wrong. A mid-season finale makes much more sense.


TNT is good about doing this to good shows. They did this to Saving Grace too.

Season 3 will come back on in December it did last year.


I will be happy if we can just get 1 or 2 more seasons out of this show. Anything more than that will be icing on the cake.



Maybe the NFL lockout will make TNT's dumb decision to ear it directly against monday night football a non-issue this year

One of the most puzzling tv decisions I've ever seen to take a show aimed at Men and air the premier agains tthe best MNF matchup of the season last year


I really don't care what you call is a dumb idea.

To be honest I have lost interest in this show.

I really liked it but I felt cheated that came back in Dec and was gone in January. I didn't know back then it was only going to be for 6 episodes.

A show like this that is slow paced doesn't work when you only have 6 episodes.

"Breaking Bad", "Rescue Me", and "Sons of Anarchy" all have what is considered a full season these days and they move at a much quicker pace.

If it doesn't get picked up it is their own fault, there are much better actors than Romano who could play the part if he wants a lighter schedule.

Sorry, but I still see Ray Barone when I look at him.


I don't like that they promoted each half of season 2 as two separate ones.
I do like this show and I don't want it to go away. I'll be happy even if it goes on in a Curb Your Enthusiasm fashion, meaning there's a new season whenever Ray Romano will want, and not necessarily yearly.
As long as it goes on, I'm fine with it. I really enjoy this show while it's on, but I don't miss it when it's not.
