MovieChat Forums > Men of a Certain Age (2009) Discussion > I wish they would speak clearer

I wish they would speak clearer

The competitor of Owen was so fast talking at the beginning when he walked into the dealership, I missed what he was muttering. When they got into the office, it got clearer. And while I got the jist of Erin leaving Terry, I never did get WHY through all her blubbering. I understand the need for realistic dialogue but make it understandable. They need a speech coach on set.


ya im glad i downloaded it i had to turn up the volume when terry and his GF were talking in the bathroom


Well....I am a guy of a certain age and I have found that closed captioning has become a big help in discerning dialog.

Men, especially, lose hearing in certain frequencies and so while there is no evident overall hearing loss, "all of a sudden" you find yourself saying, "What did he say?....."

And ladies....the most common dip in men's hearing is the higher register of the female voice, so....sometimes.... he isn't ignoring you, but really doesn't hear what you're saying.


Gee thanks.

From living in apts I learned to turn on closed captioning long time ago on my TV so as not to disturb the neighbors by turning the TV up louder.....
Love CC.....if your TV comes with that I'd suggest you set helps to see what people are saying and you don't miss anything anymore.




Closed Captioning is an option on the "settings" feature of your t.v. It allows you to read the dialogue on most t.v. shows (though some cable stations don't have it). Ever noticed the announcement "closed captions provided by..." at the end of some shows (like Oprah)? That's what it's referring to.
