Didn't care for it, First film is better, imo.
Watched the remake of "I Spit On Your Grave" (2010) this morning. Personally, I think the original movie (1978) was better. The main character in the original, while being portrayed as vengeful (with good reason), commands much more sympathy from the viewer. Her punishments for her attackers were more humane and justice was served swiftly and efficiently.
The remake's portrayal of this character, while also having experienced similar crimes (and not as horrifically graphic as the first film) loses my sympathy when she is made into a Hostel-esque maniac using lye filled bathtubs and fish hooks through eyelids. The remakes director took a story about empowerment of a victim and turned it into torture-porn.
In both films we are expected to believe that the victim is a good natured person before their assault, yet, the methods used by the modern day portrayal lead us to believe that she must have had some twisted evil in her psyche already to have planned out such horrific methods of revenge. The first movies' character just did what she needed to do. 3/10 stars.
I didn't totally hate it, but I sure didn't love it, either.
"Stupid closet full of bugs!!"