I think ALL murderers and rapist...
should be executed.
Other posters said that other countries have executions and there are still murderers
Most murderers and rapists are not first time murders or rapists and if they are executed, they can't murder or rape next year.
The murderers and rapists in the next year, who have no regard for human life deserve to be executed.
There are always going to be murderers and rapists but, the ones who murdered and/or raped last year won't be able to do it again.
A serial killer tortures and kills 10, 20 or more people, the Pope says don't execute, that is cruel and unusual punishment. What about the victims and their families, was that not cruel?
What if you came home, found your husband/wife, kids and maybe mother and father got murdered, would you want the suspect to be put in a time out or would you want the suspect executed?
If you rob Peter to pay Paul, what about Mary?