Anyone get the sense this didn't start as a Comedy?
when watching this film, and suffering through the repeated reliance on dick, sex, rape and molestation jokes, I noticed a shadow of a reasonably developed script with a standard but functional sword and sorcery plot, sub plot, and theme. This could have worked as a more genuine film with light hearted humor or parody thrown in like The Princess Bride, but instead we get a stoner sex comedy with sword and sorcery.
It just seems like someone wrote a script for a Fantasy film and it was hastily converted into a comedy using shock humor. They took every joke too far and dragged it out too long. I really wanted to like this film too, but it kept making me want to punch it in the face. It had none of that 80s B-movie sword and sorcery charm, and none of the sharp wit from The Princess Bride or Monty Python and the Holy Grail.