Natalie Portman, Toby Jones and Damian Lewis?!?!?! FTW?!?!?!?
The checks must have been impressive. I can't believe these talented actors took major roles in the sh*t pile. Portman is self-explanatory. Jones is a GREAT character actor. He was the Nazi scientist in Captain America, the grocery clerk in The Mist and the Dream Lord in Doctor Who. Three different characters and he was excellent. Lewis played Captain Winters in HBO's Band of Brothers and was excellent. He is in Homeland now and is great. If it wasn't the money someone must have called in a favor or have compromising photos.
I can see Franco doing this because the guy can't act his way out of a paper bag.
This movie tried but it really came up lame. We aren't talking Army of Darkness or Flash Gordon where they are so bad they are AWESOME. We are talking so bad that I want to try the acid the writers took when they wrote this. It is like someone said lets take the original Clash of the Titans and cross it with Monty Python's Holy Grail but give it a style of Land of the Lost. Matter of fact, lets get the guy who was in Land of the Lost.