I spend my time on things I like and enjoy, and don't waste anymore time than I have to dwelling on things I don't. People enjoy discussing things that they like, that they have an interest in. Why devote so much time on things you don't enjoy, talking about how much you dislike something? Is that time not better spent immersing yourself in the things you enjoy, rather than having such an empty life that you waste it on things you hate? Is it better to eat dirt then spend time talking about how much you hate the taste of dirt, to go online and complain about how bad the dirt tastes, or is it better to spend that time instead eating a steak? I'd rather surround myself and immerse myself in the things I enjoy than dwell on the things I dislike. Bad movies, I'd rather not dwell on it and instead move on to something I like. Put it out of my mind and instead do something I enjoy, than to waste anymore time on something I dislike.
To Love and win is the best thing. To Love and lose, the next best.