MovieChat Forums > Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) Discussion > 3 scenes that make the theatrical versio...

3 scenes that make the theatrical version better

1) "Tell me, do you bleed?"

Superman returning that line to Batman was spot on.

2) Batman guiding the Flash: "Save one"

Flash: "...I've never done battle. I've just pushed some people and run away!"
Batman: "Save one."

3) Aquaman and Lasso of Truth

In an ensemble movie like this, a scene like that just has to be in there.

Aquaman to Flash: "You say a word about this, and you'll meet every piranha I know." lol

On the other hand, that 4-hour cut felt like a long music video. Visually beautiful, yes, but scene after scene after scene.. in the end, nothing special.

So, what makes the Snyder cut better than the theatrical version?


1. Less cringeworthy Flash.
2. Better Cyborg and Cyborg backstory.
3. Icelandic chanting.


1. Less, yes, but still cringeworthy.
2. True, Cyborg had actually a great introduction, I give you that one.
3. ...


For me, the theatrical version was better overall. Yes, this version had some good content, but just kept dragging on (and I'm a huge DC fan who likes DC more than Marvel).

The best scene for me hands down was Superman punching Steppenwolf after saying, "But I'm also a big fan of justice". I think that one punch / scene was more awesome than anything Marvel (or DC) has put out to date. It reminded me of Supes punching Darkseid in the final episode of the Justice League animation series. In contrast, Superman in his black suit saying, "Not impressed" was very underwhelming in this version.

I also like the way Wonder Woman was introduced in the TV, with the music and her standing on the statue.

That said, the TV also had its share of problems, most notably Cavill's terribly CGI'd face in the beginning. This was the JL movie and it should've been as grand in scope as Infinity war, which had action scenes in space and other planets with a seriously formidable villain. Instead, we got Steppenwolf who seemed OP in the beginning and too easy of a challenge for Superman. I just didn't feel like the whole world was in danger, unlike how Infinity war made you felt.


I agree, although the expansion of the Darkseid/Steppenwolf storyline was cool. The rest of the added footage was rather pointless.


At least in the theatrical cut. Superman actually wants to save people. Instead chopping of limbs off.
