If the Synder cut was in 2017..
Warner's would've surely had him cut it to 2h 30 max.. and his Directors Cut bluray probably would've been 3hrs (like BvS Director cut)
So I wonder what would've been missing from his 3h cut that was in the eventual 4h cut? Maybe the Apocalypse/joker ending. The Martian manhunter stuff. The Icelandic song. Lots of excess slo mo etc and would Superman have even been in the black suit? (as that was cgid over the red&blue suit...maybe he'd have had it for one scene or something)
And if the Synder version had been in cinemas in 2017 then what box office? more than whedon cut $650m ww? Probably not as BvS had underwhelmed critics (especially) and most audiences.. But then again fans and even non fans were kind of aghast at what was done to JL so the Synder cut would've probably been more favourably reviewed as it is alot better (especially now when compared to the Whedon cut) so maybe it'd have made closer to BvS - like about 800m ..in which case maybe WB would've pressed ahead with the synderverse and done a JL2..
Anyway now it feels Synders trilogy is getting some positive re-evaluation in light of his JL being deemed superior to the Whedon cut.. and it did feel like a genuine sequel to BvS (to which the 2017 Whedon cut did not): The similar aesthetic/colour, score, mood, characterisations, the flashforwards etc. but at the same time pretty much the same film as the 2017 cut (to the average moviegoer who caught JL in 2017 or just saw it on tv i cant imagine itd be much of a draw to watch a 4hr version).. basically its strangely similar to what happened with Superman II - for the hard core fans its important. to everyone else its abit 'so what'