MovieChat Forums > Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) Discussion > Ending with a "massive cliffhanger"

Ending with a "massive cliffhanger"

This just does not make sense at all. Snyder was clearly aware that he wouldn't be returning to DC nor continue any threads left from this film and still decides to end this film on a cliffhanger without any closure. It's just so unnecessary to devote time to a 4 hour movie with no closure that'll go knowhere in the future.


The credits are the cliff hanger , suprise people will get that far watching this snoozefest


Yeah and I don't know why a 4 hr runtime is neccessary. The film just looks to convoluted that'll have no closure which makes no sense.


Its going to be great. More fight scenes. More explosions, etc etc. Can't wait!


What about a better story and structure. More explosions and more fight scenes doesn't make a great movie.


I disagree. I'm more for the fights and explosions


That doesn't necessarily make a movie good. You can have great action set pieces with explosions here and there, but the story and script has to be great as well as character development.


This and Batman V Superman are my 2 favorite superhero movies. So I am looking forward to seeing the 4 hour version of this movie


Have you not seen other great comic book films like The Dark Knight. I know it's your opinion and anyone is entitled to their opinion but seriously, how is JL and BVS above The Dark Knight. Is is because The Dark Knight doesn't have enough explosions for you?


The Dark Knight was good. But it was slower paced than both Justice League and Batman V Superman. And any Batman film must include a superhero in order for it to be considered a superhero movie. Batman is a crime fighter, not a superhero. So the Nolan Batman trilogy are not superhero movies. Also look at the villains of both these films. Steppenwolf and Doomsday. Both are them are far more dangerous and feared over the Joker


BvS was insanely slow. JL was more fast than TDK but faster paced films doesn't mean better neither does slower paced films mean better. It's the way how it is executed.

As for Batman not being a superhero, yes he is regarded as a crime fighter but he is still under the superhero category because he is a DC character. I also said comic book films. Not superhero films and yes the Nolan films shy away from the typical superhero trope such as all the mindless explosions you really dig.

Also Doomsday was barely in the film. He just showed up in the final act and was barely a character with no motivation created by Luthor. Steppenwolf in JL was not intimidating nor acted frightening at all. He was just a CGI character whose motivation was completely bland. Joker on the other hand was intimidating as hell, had a clear motivation, and did very menacing stuff that could happen in the real world as opposed to Doomsday and Steppenwolf. Also Heath Ledger won an Oscar for his performance as Joker.


Doomsday and Steppenwolf were clearly more dangerous and powerful than the Joker. The Joker had no super powers

I guess we like different kind of films. Thats all.


Well yeah, obviously they are more powerful than Joker due to the superpowers they have and they would realistically be more major threats than Joker but in terms of menace, intimidation, and motivation, Joker is the much better villian. Is he a bigger threat than Doomsday and Steppenwolf? No. But it's the way how these villains are portrayed, the tension they bring to their characters, the dark and evil acts they have done, and the motivation. Joker brought all of that into The Dark Knight.


Yea Joker was good but I prefer the special effects and super powers more though


I still laugh every time I hear "Steppenwolf"




Dumb movie for dumb people , as my college professor used to say.


You never went to college


I went to media college , as my college professor would say , life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your going to get


No doubt my college professor was smarter than your college professor


It makes perfect sense. He's trying to bring out the movie that would have been released had he not had to step away, and WB hadn't brought Whedon in to finish it, and that movie was always supposed to be the first act in a two or three act saga. As it happens, we'll only be getting the first act, but them's the breaks. There's simply no way Snyder could go and add in the whole movie's worth of continuation that it would require to finish the entire story; we're lucky he managed to get a little money out of HBO Max for a few key reshoots and extra scenes to complete this movie properly. We'll just have to be content with what we get -- given that we almost never got any part of the story as Snyder always meant it to be made, I'm fine with that.
