Just Watched It

I just watched it on TV and i must say,the film is just awful.The original is quite a stupid film to begin with,but it is fun and has a lot of action.This one is just bad.All the character rewritten terribly.Jed as a war veteran,Matt as an annoying brat you wanted to punch,Robert not fuelled by hatred,Darryl being an unfortunate victim instead of a traitor.Even Tanner was pointless.
The original had a good production value with the Soviet equiptment.It had the kids transform from innocent youths to green soldiers to seasoned guerillas.All while facing the elements.This has them become expeienced fighters in a quick training montage.Finally,the original had the women lose their femininity after a while.In the remake,no matter what they still looked stunning.
It was a bad idea and a terrible execution.

English is not my first language!


I thought it was a great movie considering I don't like war movies, then again I do have a crush on Josh peck lol


This has them become experienced fighters in a quick training montage.

Yes, it makes it far less convincing when after a couple minutes of tightly edited shots these kids are suddenly presented to us as this skilled fighting unit. And Jed at one point in the montage says they need to get help from people they can trust. Okay, so introduce us to these brave souls instead of just providing a shot of some nameless guy handing them something of value. Very lazy story telling.

