Occultist propoganda

This movie glamorizes occultism and leaves viewers with the challenge that this world needs more "Jedis." Don't be fooled, Yahweh strictly forbids any type of occultism, white magic or black, it's both sorcery. The movie makes it seem that occultism is not strictly bad, but only bad if used for bad. It also blatantly makes it seems that the pyramid/eye, third-eye symbol is a good thing, and the mark of the Jedi, the mark of the third eye. Yeah, it's a mark alright, the mark of the beast. Don't be fooled people, the eye behind the pyramid is the eye of the Deceiver, aka Satan, peddling the same lie he told to Adam and Eve, that through the pursuit of knowledge (gnosis) they can become like gods. Don't be fooled, your soul is at stake.

The fact that the story makes it seem that these Jedi warriors had the intention of using it for peace, but it was the choice of one "evil" person that ruined it all, and that it's ok to pursue occult practices as long as not used for evil, is a deception. Yahweh was stern and had the best of reasons when he forbade knowledge of this sort for humanity. Just think about it, what kind of world would it be if people were able to misuse this sort of knowledge, and go around willing others to just drop dead. It would be chaos.

And this is coming from, me, a person who delved into the occult before being saved by Jesus and realizing the error of my ways. Seriously, the most "occult" or any psychic power people should seek or learn to use, is the power of prayer. Pray earnestly to Jesus/God and be amazed at how it always works! Of course, your prayers must be noble and not used for selfish materialistic gain, nor will it work if you are just using it to "test the Spirit." Also, God always answers your prayers, but sometimes the answer is "no" or if at first it seems like it went unanswered is just because God has something even better in mind for you that you didn't even know.


I was just getting ready to go into the next office, but you saved me.

As I walk through the valley where I harvest my grain...


What if your Jesus is a Jedi? You need to cover all your bases man.

Or my isn't name...


"Yahweh strictly forbids" - let me stop you right there; Who is this Yahweh and why do I care what he does or does not forbid? You do realize there are like thousands of religions out there? That yours isn't the only one?

And so what if this is "occultist propaganda"? What - there's some big occultist corporation or CEO making money on it? Who cares?

I do realize your post is ridiculous. I kinda liked the movie.



yeah, and that CEO making money is the part of that Occultist. So, I care.


Yahweh is Jesus


Imbecile. I'm Catholic and even I find your ridiculous post...well, ridiculous.


All religion is merely occultist propaganda. Supernatural fairy stories for children and the weak minded.


If one truly reflect on the matter, what difference is there between a Christian "praying" to their God for a miracle and an occultist conducting a "spell" for a miracle? Both, are seeking metaphysical assistance from a higher power.

FYI, Jesus NEVER says that he was God. In the Old Testament, the God of Israel declares Himself "I am God" and "you should worship no other but me."

Conversely, I challenge any Christian to provide a single direct quote of Jesus saying "I am God" and "worship me." Just one quote!
Instead, he says, " why call me good master when there is none good except the Father in Heaven?"

Also, isn't God suppose to be All-Powerful and All-Knowing? He cannot be God unless He possesses both of those qualities at all times and in all places. Yet, Jesus said when asked to heal, "I can do nothing of my own power, but only by the will of the Father."

And, when someone queried regarding the Day of Judgment, Jesus reportedly stated, "no man knoweth, not the son, or the Angels, but only the Father knows." How can Jesus be God and clueless concerning the occurrence of Judgment Day?!

Jesus not the Disciples ever claimed he was God. Rather, this was a concept created strictly by Paul. In fact, the Disciples despised Paul because he never met Jesus, but he's attempting to teach a doctrine about him which is untrue.

And as everyone who has studied the history and compilation of the Bible is aware; the Four Gospels were NOT written by the Disciples and there was NO Bible until some nearly 350 years after Jesus. The first Council was held in 325AD in Nicea, as the diverse Christian sects were slaughtering one another over doctrinal differences.

Because, for the first 350 years of Christianity there wasn't a Bible and several hundred different Gospels and versions were circulating among different sects and this slaughter threatened to destroy his empire, Emperor Constantine commissioned the first of other council to create a standard text. It was a group of men organized for political purpose. After the Bible was created, anyone caught reading different Gospels were immediately put to death.


Dude it's a movie.
