Shaky-Cam strikes again.
Seriously, you found this movie watchable?
I dumped it in the trash after the first fight scene.
Seriously, you found this movie watchable?
I dumped it in the trash after the first fight scene.
If you're in a battle, everything is pretty shaky though. Get it out of the bin, it's a pretty good film.
Scientologists love Narnia, there's plenty of closet space.
That's not how you film. These POS should be embarressed at their pathetic sloppy discrace to their craft. All this does is take you out of the story and ruin it.
If you don't know Bigfoot then you don't know SQUATCH
I still like the movie and, obviously, watched it. However, I do agree with you that the shaky-cam partially ruins it.
Sig, you want a sig, here's a SIG-sauer!