Forgot all about this movie untill today. Heard a new Herzog was coming out and then never heard anything else about it for a while and it just slipped outta my mind. Then I run across the title somewhere and think oh yea...what ever happened to that thing? I knew nothing about it except it was Herzog with that wierd title. I was shocked when I read the plot synopsis! Floored. That actor going batsh#t crazy and killing his mother was bad enough. Then it was with a sword??? Then I read it was an extra grisly murder scene,not like she was just stabbed. The whole thing really bothered me. How the F@#k often has that happened? "Murdered mother killed by son with sword" in the past 50 or a hundred yrs. on this planet with billions of people on it? Then I read that synopsis... Whoa! There are some wierd coincedences in this world.