Is this good??

I liked the trailer for it, but has anyone seen it at the TIFF (I tragically couldn't go this year).


Unfortunately not. It was awful and a disjointed film/story. Not even disjointed in the cool way like Lynch usually does.


Everything about this production cries out for a spectacular film, but it's just not translating for this viewer. Some of my favorite new actors (Michael Shannon, Michael Pena) and some old favorites (Willem Dafoe, Udo Kier, Irma Hall, Brad Dourif). I admit that it's difficult for me to concentrate on some films, this being one of them. When I was a younger man, I appreciated when metaphor was used by directors. These days I'm afraid I would rather have the story more obviously told to me.


Awful movie...



franzkabuki, I agree with you. It's a film that I initially gave an 8/10 to, but only because it messed with my mind so much (one fellow reviewer told of how after seeing it he wandered around the streets for an hour: "searching for the perfect bottle of mineral water"), however on reflection it is a great big mess of a film. Herzog stuffs it so full of weirdness, trippy visuals and Lynchian creepiness, that while not boring or badly made, it maddeningly never takes form or lifts off to become a satisfying experience (IMO obviously).

Good acting, great sense of the bizarre and the unreal, but not a great film. 7/10 seems about right to me.

Love your sig by the way.


He left a note. He left a simple little note that said "I've gone out the window."


Lynch is my favorite director- I have everything of his- and I've loved what Herzog movies I've seen before this- including Port of Call New Orleans which came out around the same time-

That said- this movie was agonizingly horrible. 90 minute movie that felt like Chinese water torture. I found nothing creepy or unsettling about the movie- instead I found a host of incredible actors turning in their worst performances- stunted by incredibly bad dialogue, story and pacing. Bad all around. Worst of all were the little nods to Lynch's work- a dwarf in a tuxedo appears- for no reason. Several times in the movie the actors just freeze (as best they can) in their poses for like a minute and there was nothing unsettling or thought-provoking about it- it was just godawful. Me and my wife- who both have eclectic tastes and love bizarro/extreme/offbeat cinema- were groaning loudly throughout the ordeal- waiting for it to end. Painful to watch. Stay far away.


Unfortunately- I have to agree with the posters who say that this movie was disappointing. I had some hope for it at the beginning- but the movie never truly did it for me. Just as Creamof the Colada said- I couldn't wait for it to end. I kept wanting to fast forward through parts - but then thought I miss something to make this a worthwhile watch for me. Never happened :( I loved the casting, too- so even more disappointing.


I myself was quite surprised at how much I enjoyed it. I wasn't really too sure what to expect, even being a very strong supporter of both Lynch and Herzog, but damned if it wasn't one of the more watchable films of its year.

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