Brad Dourif = SO AWESOME

OMG brad dourif's rant about greeks and acting is hilarious, and i love his idea for the commercial. I think someone needs to film that!!! He has impressed the crap out of me with his work of the past several years, including DEADWOOD, HALLOWEEN 1 and 2, and this.


"The only thing Greeks now how to 'play' with is each other's balls." Laughed my ass off at that scene. Great movie, 10/10.

What's the Spanish for drunken bum?


I agree, he's great in this film and especially in Deadwood and Exorcist III where he has arguably his finest moment, as the incarcerated demoniac.

Wise Blood is another underappreciated film of his. Such a great actor.

"You wouldn't know crazy if Charles Manson was eating Fruit Loops on your front porch."


Brad Dourif in Exorcist III = the greatest villain since Salieri.
Brad Dourif in MSMSWHYD = the most hilarious redneck since Archie Bunker.
More Brad Dourif, please.


The film as a whole left me cold, but I wouldn't mind owning the DVD just to watch the scenes with Uncle Ted, particularly his advertising ideas and his rant about acting being for "queers and uppity negroes."

Dourif remains one of the most underappreciated actors, mostly relegated to B-grade movies in spite of some amazing performances. Apart from Nicholson, he was the highlight of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, and I consider Wise Blood to be a forgotten classic.


Incredible performance by a first-rate actor who always delivers.


He is an amazing actor, i was thinking the other day that he was one of a tiny few actors who could actually act in Lord of the Rings. If it was a film about acting himself and Christopher Lee would have stolen the ring (and game over) by the end of the first episode.


I love his acting in the movies I've seen him in and this is no exception. His comic timing is fantastic, if you want to see it shine watch the Chucky movies.

"I have always valued my lifelessness."
