MovieChat Forums > Due Date (2010) Discussion > Was Daryl a good friend to Peter?

Was Daryl a good friend to Peter?

He didn't really strike me as a very good friend to Peter because he still had a thing for his wife and spent time with her while Peter was out of town and he also kicked Peter out of his own house within 10 minutes of their arrival which struck me as odd cause I thought they were supposed to be friends


I was thinking the same thing once I finished the film.
I thought, if I was Peter wouldn't I still be concerned about how close Daryl and his wife were? The picture which was on his end table (which is weird enough) was proof that she was lying to him somewhat.


I thought there was something suspicious about Darryl and Peter's wife spending time together and Darryl struck me as a shady character, I did wish Ethan would have kept his mouth shut about him being under the assumption that Peter's wife's child could be Darryl's instead of Peter's


The way the writers buttoned that scene up really bugged me. You set up a situation where something obviously happened, but then resolve it with nothing more than Peter leaves a rambling message asking what happened, the wife calling back confused, then their promising to discuss things further when he got home. When he got home, she had the baby, and then they're watching 2 and a Half Men.

It almost made that scene (and Jamie Foxx's character) pointless. Kinda like they realized that it would add a whole another dimension to address, then they realized they were running out of time to fix things.

Oh stewardess...I speak jive.


Well,Peter told Ethan they (Sara and Daryl) had some kind of relationship 20 years before or something like that, I remember the scene when Peter is jeaolous and he calls his wife and says "Your weekend with Daryl,which you told me quite differently"..and in the movie we see his wife only told him she saw Daryl but not they got drunk as Daryl told Peter..

But if we recall a scene where Peter admits he is extremely jeaolous,maybe it makes sense to think Sarah didn't tell him about the drink because she tought Peter would get angry.As well she didnt tell him about sending e-mails to Daryl.If Peter is a jeaolous guy and she and Daryl were a couple in the past,maybe she tought Peter would think they had something and she decided not to tell him anything.

And we see Daryl has a picture of Sara and him,but if you notice,in the picture he is looking at her,like if he was still in love with her..And as for Sarah,she looks normal,drinking that daikiri or I think she and Daryl had not anything ,she was happily married to Peter and for her, Daryl was just a friend ,and considering Peter was also his friend I guess she had enough trust with Daryl to talk him about the pregnancy and what not, but just as friends.

As for Daryl being a good friend I dont get people saying he is not.I mean,Daryl went by car to get Peter,after he gave Peter money and his car..And after Ethan and Peter lost Daryl's car and destroyed it..Besides Daryl didn't do anything so Peter went away from his house, he had to continue his travel with Ethan,they only stopped at Daryl's house and he helped Peter so after Peter continued .I don't see Daryl was a bad friend.

Anthony,the light and love of my life..


He was telling Peter to get Ethan out of his house not Peter himself didn't you pay attention?


Lusting after Peter's wife aside, they were still friends. Him kicking both Peter and Ethan out of the house was meant to underscore how people consider Ethan very annoying.
