Worst episode?

In my opinion but I haven’t watched all of them.. has to be “Bro House” episode (S1E4: The Naughty List). It can’t get worse. I had originally skipped this one and now I came back but yeah, terrible episode.


I didn't like the first half of that episode, but I liked the second half of it, especially because of Danny Trejo. So I wouldn't say it was the worst. The second half saved it. At least for me.

For me, the worst episode (so far since there is only two seasons, but could be more) would have to go to Milkmaids in Season 2. That episode was boring and had the least interesting plot. It was a weird episode. I was also expecting something else, especially with what time period it was in. Was expecting a witch hunt type of plot or something about a witch or witches. It really wasn't that.

My least favorite episodes (so far since there could be more seasons than just two) are Milkmaids, Feral, Facelift, and Necro. Maybe in that order too. Not sure. Milkmaids is definitely the worst and then the other three could be looked at as in no particular order.

I actually wanted to add Drive to the list since it has Bella Thorne and I'm not a Bella Thorne fan, but the twist and plot got me. It had good execution. A little predictable in spots, but overall, it was executed well and I can't let my biased opinion about Bella Thorne get in the way of things. When the episode started though, and I saw Bella Thorne, I want to instantly add it to the worst episode list because of her. My immediate reaction was: "Oh god, it's Bella Thorne, This is going to be a long 39-40 minutes. Somebody please shoot me." But I sat through the episode for bragging rights, and overall I didn't mind it. My opinion on Bella Thorne hasn't changed, but I could tolerate her a little more than normal. She wasn't as annoying in the episode as she was in other stuff I saw her in. Maybe because she wasn't playing the annoying character she normally plays, especially her character in those Babysitter movies on Netflix. The episode would've been better if they cast someone else in the role. Maybe one of the regular AHS cast members that are the same age as Bella that have made appearances in this spinoff show.
