Alternate Ending
I was like many of you, excited for Eve to turn around and go back to her captor's house. The actress playing Eve did a great job throughout the film. In my ending, it would be an intense dialogue scene, with her spilling the beans on every single thing the scumbag was involved in. Everything she had been through. In an otherwise entertaining film, the ending couldn't have fell more flat.
On another note, the Ronnie thing was so predictable. But, perhaps alluding to the lie he told about his mother dying from cancer, I felt Ronnie being revealed to be his son could have worked as he lied about always wanting a family and especially a son. Just another way to show how he'd been feeding her *beep* the entire time. That could have changed the course as well as he would be either genuinely devastated that his son died, or show that he was still trying to get away when he saw the gunshots to display how disgustingly selfish he really was.
Just some thoughts. A fun movie that fell flat quite a few times.