Better than the first. But, Jesus.
The first hour of this movie has more laughs than the entire first film, which was a nice surprise. There is less Christina Applegate, who isn't the slightest bit comedic, and less reliance on the idea that Ron Burgundy is funny just because he is Ron Burgundy. So far, so good. Very good, in fact.
But then, holy hell do we get 30 minutes of garbage. It starts with a nightmare scene of Ron making painful black jokes at a dinner, which is only 2-3 minutes long but feels like five weeks. There is a long, awkward attempt at social commentary, where we are beaten to death with the idea that cable news is bad. Yes, CNN sucks -- we get it. We got it fifteen years ago. And then they make the horrible mistake of letting Applegate talk more. Obviously she and Ron were going to reunite at the end, but did we need seven scenes about this? Buy yourselves an editor, people.
It redeems itself somewhat with a truly bizarre and surreal cameo-filled ending, which felt right to me. Sure, bizarre finales can be called a cop-out, but this is a comedy, and I'll take bizarre over smaltzy any day.
Far from perfect, but a good comedy. This film is a 7/10. Could easily have been higher by taking a sledgehammer to about 20 minutes of the middle scenes.