I thought this was damn hilarious.

i laughed all the way through this. i admit i took it in 15 mi nute chunks over several days, so maybe that was the reason it was fresh and funny throughout. i mean, the whole scene with the shark and his son is so embarrassingly staged it HAD to be on purpose. funny stuff.


The only person embarrassed in this movie was me, I was embarrassed for the actors watching them act out this travesty. There was NOTHING funny about this movie it was a series of consecutive unfunny, nonsensical, pointless bits that don't even remotely resemble a story or the original. If you want to see people acting ridiculous with no acting, story or meaning just go google weird stuff on the internet. Movies are stories with a point and continuity of story progressing to a logical climax. This was random stupid fooling around on film with jokes that were neither funny nor sensical. It was almost like a 2hr SNL improv skit that bombed from the first minute but just kept on going. It was painful for me to sit thru this movie and I couldn't even finish it. When you get an hour into a movie and there is no plot developing it's not a movie, it's just actors being ridiculous with shock value jokes that make no sense. The first was a little silly and quirky but it was a story with characters you invested in and a plot that was clever and original. This wasn't even a story it was just bad, REALLY bad, joke ideas that went too far and weren't funny strung together in a sequence. If you thought any of this was funny then you could have done just as well watching random scenes out of order because this flick was terrible and made no sense. I was a huge fan of the first I've seen it 100 times so I'm no stranger to Ferrells style or the storyline, this went waaaaay overboard with ridiculous unfunny versions of jokes from the original played out in stupid settings for no purpose. I don't know what to te you if you likes this flick except maybe that your taste is terrible. Sorry bro this movie sucked out loud


I found it pretty funny and there were quite a few scenes that were memorable. Everyone loved the RV scene.
Meeting his black boss for the first time and all the cameos were pretty fun as well.
I found Coach to be the scene stealer. Stop reading my mind...you saw that coming...LOL.
What I really liked was with all the silly fluff around it - the movie tried to show the progression of news and news coverage. Too bad a lot of people missed the hidden message.


Thanks, exactly!

Also agreed, Champ was more fun in this film than the first. In fact, I think the film was at its funniest every time Champ had a line in edgewise.
"I'm sorry, but.." is a self-contained lie.
