Why is this movie R rated?

This is a genuine question by the way.

The reason I ask this is because the F word is only used twice during the movie. (most movies with just two F bombs are rated PG-13) And I'm referring to the theatrical cut, not the extended edition.

There are no sexual references, and only one scene with bloody violence.

So why is this movie rated R? It really does look like a movie that could have easily been rated PG-13.


It's rated R for horror because it was a horrifically unfunny mess that butchered anything remotely funny from the first. They killed Anchorman, they got together and skinned it alive on film that's where the R rating comes from. ABSOLUTELY awful


by flipa-631-241575 » Fri Dec 12 2014 10:39:36
IMDb member since March 2013

It's rated R for horror because it was a horrifically unfunny mess that butchered anything remotely funny from the first. They killed Anchorman, they got together and skinned it alive on film that's where the R rating comes from. ABSOLUTELY awful
The MPAA rates based on content, not quality. Joke fail. Talk about unfunny.

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The theatrical cut is PG-13....

Creasey's art is death. He's about to paint his masterpiece.


It was originally PG-13. Then, two months after it opened, they put out a 'Super-Sized R-Rated Version' for one week only, because they had so much extra footage left over that didn't make the final cut of the original.

To be honest with you, I almost prefer the R-rated cut, mainly because of the 'Gay For A Day' musical number, if nothing else.

All in all, it's still more or less the same movie, but from what I could notice, it's mainly rated R for a few more swear words, and the extended scene where they're smoking crack on the air. Both versions, plus an unrated cut, are available on Blu-Ray.

Hope this helps!

I see you're drinking 1%. Is that cause you think you're fat?


I never watch the extended or R-rated version of a movie that was originally PG-13. These comedies push the taste envelope enough and get PG-13s. Why would I want to see more outrageously tasteless gross out jokes that push the envelope more? The best comedies of the past practice the long-forgotten rule of "restraint," and are funnier because of it.

I refuse to buy the BluRay or DVD of Kingpin for this reason. Only the Unrated version is available. As if the PG-13 version wasn't tasteless enough (although I loved it).

Got 13 Channels of $hit on the TV to Choose From


The US theatrical cut was censored. The UK and Australia/NZ got a different theatrical version without the MPAA-endorsed alterations, so that can be seen as the definitive version IMO.
