The Car Tower at the end (Spoilers)

So, Ethan Hunt just drives the car to a (as Benji later puts it) "100 meter drop", which coincidentally is the distance the car would drop in the time it's in the air, falling.
Over that distance, the falling car would get to 100 mp/h. Crashing into a concrete wall (or floor in this case) at 40 mp/h is part of modern crash tests, so people geht out relatively unharmed.
At 60 mp/h, even with seatbelts and airbags, the driver hits bis head on the stearing Wheeler, resulting in head trauma.
At 100 mp/h, not even a secret agent can crawl out off that car, because an one would die...
Not that this is the most unbelievable scene in the movie, but it bothered me the most.
Still linke the movie, though.


It's been a while since I've seen the movie, so my memory of it is rusty and I don't remember what Benji actually said or how the scene in the parking garage tower played out.

According to rage-in-mission-impossible-iv/, the real parking garage at Volkswagen's Autostadt in Wolfsburg (Germany) which inspired the scene, is a 20-story building. From the picture in the link, each story seems to be about 2.0 - 2.5 meters high (although the stories in MI:GP seem to be a bit more spacious, say 3.0 - 3.5 meters high, to allow for more "fighting room" I guess) resulting in a total height of the building of around 50 (or 70) meters. Moreover, Ethan wasn't driving off from the top floor, as far as I remember.

So either Benji was exaggerating or embellishing it, or he actually meant a "100-feet drop" (i.e. 30 meters) which is more like it and which would imply a maximum collision speed of about 55 mph (= 88 km/h).

Still no small risk, but much better than a fatal 100 mph to a concrete wall.

(By the way, writing "mp/h" is sloppy and incorrect. It's either mph, miles/h, miles/hour, or "miles per hour". The "/" actually means "per".)

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It's a MI movie. He also jumps from ledge-to-ledge like Spider-Man, jumps out of a car at high speed, resulting in a head-on collision, which the scratch-free villain then walks away from.


Thanks for pointing out the obvious.

Signature: currently unavailable


It´s a freaking awesome scene!

