The Car Crash (spoilers)

This bit just made me shout "*beep* you" to the screen.

But, when Tom Cruise dives full-whack into the villain's car, the car goes spinning through the air and lands upside down. Tom gets up off the road, is on the car in a matter of seconds AND, by some miracle of bullsh!t, the villain has dragged his ass out of the car and belted-it half way down the road without so much as a limp or a scratch and still has the energy and strength to outrun Tom and get on a moving truck to escape(!?)


"The BBC would like to apologize for the following announcement."


... and in this other movie they have coming out. Get this... this dude comes from outer space, he looks like us, and he can actually fly and is really, really strong.

"...insert corny quote here"


That was the best part about the scene.



Yes this part made me scratch my head too! Dont get me wrong, I really loved this movie, but hated that part. It made no sense. He just got in a head-on collision with Ethan's car. His car flipped over, hit the pavement more than once, then finally landed upside down. He should've probably been dead. But even if he actually survives a crash like that, there is no way he is up and out that car running so quickly. At the very least he still shouldve been getting back his conciousness and trying to figure out what just happened, because he never saw it coming. Remember it is a sandstorm, he probably couldnt see but a couple feet in front of his car. No way someone recovers that quickly, even for a trained military guy like him.
