Need to Know

The general concept of technology that human error and computer science address
during algorithm operations. The input device and computer science use in
government technology when the protocol is secret has the parameter of government security and sensitive need to know security. The issue of personnel that involvesecurity of human error operations, and computer science technology when the challenge to algorithm operation at input is the concern.

The concept for a movie plot in the above case and terms of teleplay as differences in semantic relations by class when some technology not included by some other technology within the same category is observed by the legal logic as necessary process for security study. The conditions for security management of the human error being all technology.

The movie plot for Misión imposible: Protocolo fantasma (2011) as example uses several issues of personnel security under secret protocol government security and sensitive need to know security. The Semi Active Radar Homing and Microelectromechanical Systems astechnology when the human error and computer science algorithm is tested and questioned byexpert analysis of the Signal to Noise Ration. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency does actual research on this issue, in the movie by fictional plot the characters
exhibit the issue of national security when human error is under criminal analysis that the necessary process for legal logic and security study is affective by jurisdictional governance.

In similar cinema works the issue of technology and alogrithm is of interest to the production that the type of stimuli is suggested to the audience by the direction of the plot. When the circumstances of human factors as semantical questions the preception of consumer pyscology, and or cognitive psycology chanllenges the viewer as the audience.

An important question to all plots of cinema works given such circumstances to the audience involves their ability to preceive that actual elements of the drama, becauseof that ability the important question can be a false dichotomy of consumer or cognitive ability which entertainment as an objective preception is resolved by the businessof cinema to the audience. However, the advice of government to production and usage of technology to inform the public of such issues is a consultant contraversy itselfas need to know secrecy as a protocol that such evidence by cienma work as propaganda is appropriate for the public, or not.


Alogrithm. Wikipedia Encyclopedia. Wikipedia Foundation. internet 2016

Brain-computer_interface. Encyclopedia. Wikipedia Foundation. internet 2016

Consumer Behaviour (psychology). Encyclopedia. Wikipedia Foundation. internet 2016

Cognitive Psychology. Encyclopedia. Wikipedia Foundation. internet 2016

Defense Advance Research Projects Agency. DARPA Our Research. internet 2016

Human Error. Wikipedia Encyclopedia. Wikipedia Foundation. internet 2016

Microelectromechanical Systems. Wikipedia Encyclopedia. Wikipedia Foundation. internet 2016

Need to Know. Wikipedia Encyclopedia. Wikipedia Foundation. internet 2016

Semantic Relations. Wikipedia Encyclopedia. Wikipedia Foundation. internet 2016

Semi Active Radar Homing. Wikipedia Encyclopedia. Wikipedia Foundation. internet 2016

Signal to Noise Ration. Wikipedia Encyclopedia. Wikipedia Foundation. internet 2016

Stimuli. Wikipedia Encyclopedia. Wikipedia Foundation. internet 2016

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