MovieChat Forums > Let Me In (2010) Discussion > What makes a film American?

What makes a film American?

So the BBC asked critics around the world to choose their top 100 American films. I couldn't help noticing the rules would exclude Let Me In. The nationality of the director means nothing (Hitchcock got several films on the list), the setting means nothing. Casablanca landed at #9 with a Hungarian director...and obviously set in Casablanca. As always, it's about the studio that makes a movie.

What defines an American film? For the purposes of this poll, it is any movie that received funding from a US source. The directors of these films did not have to be born in the United States – in fact, 32 films on the list were directed by film-makers born elsewhere – nor did the films even have to be shot in the US.

Gonna keep that list handy for the next "Let Me In is an American remake" claim.

Interesting how popular Cary Grant and John Wayne movies are with critics around the world. My Marx Brothers only squeaked one film on the list near the bottom.


I think that is the point, right? I would say it slightly differently -- the production company is located in the country of origin. Investors of a film could come from all over, but it is usually easier to pinpoint the main production company.

But that isn't even the major question. People always cry "Hollywood". The United States has a number of smaller studios headquartered all over the country. None of them are considered "Hollywood". Some of those smaller studios have grown pretty larger which blurs the line further (Lionsgate or Scott Rudin) -- but those studios still get included in the Independent film categories.

👿 I know something you don't know ... I am ambidextrous!


Speaking of independent films, LMI even got nominated for some Independent Film award when it came out. It was far from a big budget movie. So it would even fail to garner the "Hollywood" label even if it were an American film.
