MovieChat Forums > Let Me In (2010) Discussion > Better than the original

Better than the original

It's basically the same plot, but the remake has a much better production value. I realize fans won't admit this, but the massive Hollywood budget resulted in a much more pleasing visual film.


I like it for reasons other than visuals myself. I like the changes to the 4 main characters in LMI. That's what really made the story hit home for me. Helps when I care about the characters.

The budget was about 15 million and 5 million for marketing...not really "massive" (nor "Hollywood" since the studio is British). For instance, the Deadpool movie was just considered to have a tiny budget and they spent something like 60 million.

They made it count though. That car crash scene is amazing. And most of the CGI you don't even notice (like the extra stories on the hospital and the CGI train). The only reason you notice the Vamp-Abby CGI is because she is supposed to look unnatural.


Its actually not a remake. Production for let me in started shortly before let the right one in.


Its a second adaptation to the book.


"Its actually not a remake. Production for let me in started shortly before let the right one in." - deadlydonut360
"Its a second adaptation to the book." - deadlydonut360



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It's worse than the original, but it's not bad. The 80's feel is fantastic, especially the music.

There are a few reasons why it's worse. First, it's missing the moments of humor from the original. Second, it's missing some of the best shots/moments from the original. The pool scene at the end of the original was shockingly cool, but in the remake it's missing two shots that really made that scene so good.

Additionally the introduction of CGI in a couple scenes is definitely to the remake's detriment (the attack in the tunnel).

It's also, in some scenes, almost a shot-for-shot remake of the original. It's not a "second adaptation." It's a remake.


I always enjoy this:

There are a few reasons why it's worse. First, it's missing the moments of humor from the original. Second, it's missing some of the best shots/moments from the original. The pool scene at the end of the original was shockingly cool, but in the remake it's missing two shots that really made that scene so good.

Complaints about LMI changing things...check
It's also, in some scenes, almost a shot-for-shot remake of the original.

Complaints about LMI not changing things...check

So LMI couldn't please you no matter what it did.


You've cracked the whiner's code.




This is almost completely better than the original. The only thing that I don't like about this version is them cutting out the fact that Abby is actually a boy.

I don't feel enough for you to cry.

Oh well.


But even in the first movie that was pretty ambiguous, compared to the novel (which I've not read and I understand took up a substantial portion of the backstory).

It seems like both filmed versions "chickened out" in that regard.

But frankly, to exclude it altogether (as in Let Me In), compared to the off-handed split-second visual in LTROI, was the way to go. The one other dangling remnant from the gender story-line, the dialogue "I'm not a boy", took on completely different connotations in both films.

Movies are not specifically for the book fans, but to tap into film audiences which are potentially much, much broader, if done well.


This is such an obvious troll attempt
