How's the gore?

I'm interested in buying it, but I won't if most of the gore is CG because I can't stand CG gore no matter how it looks.


I personally loved every second of the gore in this film. And I'm one where there's never enough gore. From what I recall, there isn't any CG. The storyline blows, but the gore is awesome.


^ Co-sign.


They do mix some CG with practical but it's very slight and well-done. If you are only interested in the gore/fx, then by all means buy this film! It has some interesting behind the scenes about how they created each kill. Be warned though, the film doesnt live up to the gore, but the gore is top notch!


Can you explain in detail a couple of the gore scenes? This movie's at Wal-Mart for $10 so I might pick it up, but I don't wanna get it if it purely sucks (although a lot of ppl on this board are saying it does...)

--Goin down the steps on a white line straight to nowhere--


If youre a gore fan, its worth the $10...the lead actress isnt the greatest and there are a ton of weak story moves, but the gore and kill scenes alone are worth $10. I mean really, $10 aint much!!


Word! The gore is top notch!!


The gore's great but that's about it. Well done makeup FX that don't hold back, and nice variety with no rip-off cutaway shots. Is it worth $10? Yes, if you wanna have your fast-forward finger exercised a lot.


The splat is good. The rest of the movie, ehhhhh, not so much. It does try, and a few of the actors aren't bad, but the selling point is definitely the gore.

Some of the gore isn't filmed as well as I'd like; they cut away from a few scenes too quickly, and a few others are pretty dark, but for the most part, the effects are solid. It looked like they mixed a little CGI in here and there, but for the most part it's high-quality old-school stuff like Savini used to make. The gore makes it worth a rental, at least.
