True Horror fans only

Badly acted, poorly directed, a script that makes no sense outside of the writers mind, this straight to DVD release does deliever on one thing...the gore quoitent. Gorehounds will have a field day with this one, everyone else not into seeing peoples faces get cut off should steer well clear. I'd say give it a miss unless you are a true horror fan.


In defense of the actors, I would say they were directed badly and let down by the script. The actors themselves have proven themselves to be decent in other projects, but you can tell they were left hanging when it came filming, while the filmmakers obviously focused more on the special effects.


Not quite straight-to-DVD. It had a small theatrical run.




Yeah there was alot of gore but it was completely unrealistic to the point where it wasnt creepy or cool. The director needs to learn a few things from Lucio Fulci.

Last Movies Seen:
Laid to Rest (2009) 2 out of 10
City of the Living Dead (1980) 8.5 out of 10
Halloween II (2009) 7 out of 10
Halloween (2007) 6 out of 10
