MovieChat Forums > Laid to Rest (2023) Discussion > Question about something near end (spoil...

Question about something near end (spoilers)

I had to take a call and missed some of it, one minute she was in the car with the killer, the next she is in the store. He seems to be texting her (I missed some of this part too) and she doesn't seem to alert the guys in the store what is going on, as if she is going along with him. Why? Did I miss something, or I am wrong, since I was only half able to see this part?


He sends her in for either more video tapes or batteries, never really specifies which one. But, he doesnt seem either willing or able to talk, so he uses some sort of speech thing on his phone. Basically the dialogue is that a lot of people have died so far and since there were more in the store, she should do as he says unless she wants more to die. Pretty lame when you consider he was probably going to kill everyone anyway...


Thanks! You are right, that is pretty lame.


He sent her in for a new tape, because he likes to videotape his victims. Basically he gave her the choice, go get a tape and don't say anything, or make a scene and I'll kill more people. She gets held up by the two college boys and Chromie gets impatient.
