This is the South!
Shouldn't these people have had more guns to protect them from Chrome Skull?
Just kidding. Seriously, though, I have seen very few movies that make Southerners look more stupid (in a non-hick-racist way). I'm from California, so I'm not personally offended, but PLEASE tell me people in the southern states A) have phones of some kind, B) occasionally fill their gas tanks above empty, C) have some sort of city or county provided emergency service system, D) realize it's IDIOTIC to drive around to the same places then wait for a killer at his lair, E) think EMAILING THE POLICE is not as effective as calling them, and F) realize guns are more powerful than knives, in that you can shoot someone before they stab you.
I'm sure there are at least 40 more things, but it would be pointless to list them all. I thought the gore was very well done, but I had trouble getting past how ridiculous the characters were. YOU HAVE A CAR. YOU HAVE WEAPONS. JUST DRIVE AWAY (OR SHOOT HIM). I'm not exactly a ninja, but I'm pretty sure, given their tools, I could have escaped this guy.
"We die as we dream ... alone." - Joseph Conrad