Dumbest characters in movie history? (poss. spoilers)
Insanely bad movie. I've never seen characters act in more unnatural and completely idiotic ways than in this film. The actions and decisions these people make had me wondering if the killer was going to turn out to be Darwin. Plus, the movie's plot relies heavily on no one having a phone (at their houses!) for the first half. If it weren't for the somewhat decent budget, and a couple creative kills, this actually would be the worst movie I'd ever seen. I know every movie has a thread that says that, and I'm not even saying it about this one, but it's damned close.
How 'bout that kid that has a shotgun leveled at the killer, only to let Chrome Skull slowly walk right up to him, grab the barrel, push the barrel under the kid's chin, and then the kid apparently pulls the trigger for him! Could these people make it any easier for the killer? These deaths were practically suicides. Then the killer turns out to be even dumber than his victims when he is undone by a glue mishap.
Don't steal. The government hates the competition.