MovieChat Forums > Laid to Rest (2023) Discussion > its the 'friends of Terminator : Sarah C...

its the 'friends of Terminator : Sarah Connor Chronicles'

i enjoyed the movie, its not great and probably not worth owning but i totally didnt regret renting it. pretty good effects for such a small movie but considering who's behind it, it makes sense now.

but yeah the Terminator connections were funny.

so of course there was the obvious appearances of lena headey and thomas dekker. then reading through this site i see that the lead girl had a bit part on the show. and then the director and his company Almost Human, who did the effects for this movie, also worked on the show.

my guess is this was a personal pet project for the director and those actors appeared in the movie as a favor. but thats still pretty cool and checking the director's credits, he's done effects/makeup on many shows and movies i've seen/watched and/or love.


I think Robert Hall did good job on laid torest can't wait for laid to rest 2

Now end of day and Iam the Reaper:Silent hill


More Terminator connection in Laid To Rest 2, Brian Austin Green and Michael Biehn will star in it.

Argue on internet is like competing in the Special Olympics, even if you win you're still retarded
