Unrated Director's Cut

I noticed that on Starz On Demand this film is listed as being rated R, and imdb lists it as being rated R, but the only dvds of it I see say "Unrated Director's Cut."
So, are there multiple versions of it, or are they all the same? If they're all the same, then what's the point of calling it an unrated director's cut if it is the only cut, and it is rated?


One version sucks the other version sucks worse

Say hello to my new sidekick virii96 AKA Choada Boy


when it comes to straight to video movies like these, often the term "unrated" isnt meant to imply there's a rated version as well and this one shows more gore/violence/nudity or whatnot.

in some cases its labeled unrated because it never went to the MPAA to get a rating so it literally is unrated. so its very possible this is what happened here.


I was told this movie was banned in the US.

I am the Lizard King. I can do anything.


