Bi-polar movie
Coming into this movie "laid to rest" I thought it would be another boring pointless slasher where you watch people get chopped up and not care or give a *beep* about anything that happens to the characters with no real "emotional" or excising edge.
Keeping in mind that this movie had the traits of slasher the kills are outstanding and better than average slasher.
To the point where we were at the cemitary however the movie was weaking and getting boring it keeps your interest but you have in mind at this point that its one of those "had a fairly strong start and went downhill from there"
but as we get closer to the ending (convenience store scene) the movie made my heart race and changed my opinion about the movie completely. There was a small twist at the end too which felt rewarding and unpredictable.
the ending was brilliant very satisfying, the tension in the last 30 mins is just beyond chilling and felt like it escalated to a very strong movie.
Bi-polar mean dramtic change in mood, in this case however i mean the movie started strong and ended very strong but the middle was weak.
overall i enjoyed this roller coaster i hardly ever go on imbd boards and write about how much I enjoyed a flick right after seeing it. Maybe because my expectations were very low :D
p.s the acting in this movie as well is weak in some scenes and fairly good in others imo