His reason (Spoiler)
So ChromeSkull's reason to keep going after her was simply because she got away from his attempt to kill her previously. To be honest it seems like a dumb reason to keep chasing her. Kind of figured the guy would just go after other people. I had firmly thought this until I started to sit back and really go over it in my head. This ditzy girl gave him a good 4-5 easy kills just from chasing after her. So he was probably enjoying himself far more than being annoyed by the chase. He even warns this tart that if she tells anyone he will kill them and her. So what doe she do? Tells someone. What happens? He kills a bunch of them lol.
I guess to be blunt I honestly think his reason to go after her at first was just because she got away and deprived him of a kill. As she couldn't tell anyone about him, she knew nothing about him and little of herself for the most part. Then as he began his killing spree he was like "well *beep* it might as well have fun"
What do you all think?