MovieChat Forums > Laid to Rest (2023) Discussion > 100 Things We Learned From Laid to Rest

100 Things We Learned From Laid to Rest

1. When a camera displays "Low Battery", and then shuts down, you act like "what the hell?" and start shaking and hitting it to get it to start.

2. When you talk on a cord phone, act like it's wireless.

3. When the first brave guy with a shotgun walks out to shoot the killer, you scream no! you gotta go! - what the *beep*??

4. and yeah, when the killer let's you go and buy a tape, you don't try to escape, you plan on getting the tape, and head back to the killers car, so he can snuff-film you.

damn this movie was irritating. there are lots more, keep em coming...


5. Sharp knives can slice through skulls like they're butter but you have to put some effort into slicing open a neck.


7. I want to make her dead as well now -_-


8. You just woke up in a coffin, watched a man get killed and don't know who the hell you are? Don't worry! Nice shoes will make you feel better!

9. No matter what. Lena Headey is hot. But make sure u put her in a big robe and show the chubbie girl nakie in the shower instead.


10. If you are the producer and star of the movie, make sure your Missing poster lists you with a completely unrealistic weight (110 lbs, yeah right).


The data from those missing posters usually comes from drivers license info. It's been almost a decade since I updated my DL and I'm sure my weight has changed a lot since then. So who can say?

Are you sure it was Bobbi Sue who told the art dept to put that weight on there? Or did the propmaster just pick a number... I vote "b."

Pretty picky..


11 : try not to wake up in a dead box.

12 : refer to tire iron as a tire stick.

13 : when escaping a killer, hide in the freezer!

14 : when people try to save me , ditch them so they can die.

15 : refer to the funeral home as "where dead people live"

16 : when someone tries to kill me, say : "someone wants to make me dead"

was the writer retarded or is it just that girl "bobbi" improvising?


17. When a knife goes through your brain, you still have knowledge of what's going on instead of dying instantly. Feel free to look around and moan in a non-painful way.

18. When you're head is being severed and your throat is being torn to bits, you can still scream out without making a gurgling sound

19. Apparently, people only keep 1/8th of a tank of gas for times like these.

20. Who needs a landline when you have the internet?

21. Throw your knife as high as you can, who knows? You may hit a hanging lamp

22. When you're about to watch a naked girl tied to another naked girl, who has been decapitated, and she's about to get killed; scream out "I'm sorry, I'll get help" and run away

23. Atlanta sounds nice

"Look at banner Michael!" - GOB


24. When in doubt, call yourself Princess Gemstone


Emergency = 911. Big and circled next to the phone, because morticians are known to be forgetful/retarded.

.... this movie is ridiculous. <3




I think I'll pass. Sounds like another POS like Wrong Turn, et al.


at least wrong turn had a real sexy woman.



when ur the bad guy, pour some sort of fluid into your mask so that it kills you and your serial killing spree will be over in a pointless manner.


The teens changed the fluid, dufus.


sorry ugly, mustve dozed off at that point!



That one actually MADE SENSE... Stephen had replaced the medical adhesive the killer HAD BEEN USING to secure the mask to his face with Cyanoacrylate (aka superglue) earlier -- remember, he even made a point about how he accidentally glued his pajamas to his leg with some one time and how badly it burned his leg?

That's actually hooey. It doesn't burn you, but it WILL instantly bond skin to skin -- or anything else non-porous the skin comes in contact with, and if someone poured that much into a mask and put it on their face, I really doubt it would eat their face off like that, but prying the mask off like he did would very likely peel most of his face off along with it... I accidentally superglued a couple fingers together once, and it's not easy getting them apart -- you essentially have to cut between them, very carefully.

Still, yeah, except for a few cool FX killing scenes, this movie was a REAL stinker! I can't BELIEVE Lena Heady did it -- she must be DESPERATE!


"I can't BELIEVE Lena Heady did it -- she must be DESPERATE"

i think she probably did it as a favor to the writer/director .... i checked both of their info out and i'm guessing they worked together on the Sara Conner / terminator tv show ... so they are probabnly friends ...

this movie definitely had a whole lot of flaws .. but ... it had enough decent stuff that i liked it .. better than a lot of other direct to dvd movies i've seen ..

i rented it from Redbox last night and i guess at the end i missed something also .. I didn;t understand why his face was burning .. then it melted , it was liek there was acid on his face ... maybe i missed it but i thought that was just super glue ... did they add in acid as well ??


I can't remember what number we are on but the next one is "The amount of people who consider themselves 'critics' who couldn't critique a batch of fairy cakes for their grandmothers!"....

Lay off this movie, I don't know what was so bad about it!

I had a chuckle at one poster because the lead actress wasn't "sexy". yes, that makes a poor movie because whoa is me, the actress is not "hot"...shallow much?

I only axed ya for a smoke - Jack Frost


Storm25Storm25 try not to make it too obvious your prolly the producer of the film, when a movie is this bad, your better off saying its so bad its good then defending it, i watched 5 mins of it, and came on imdb to see what people said, and now ill watch it just to see how blatantly stupid the actors are, but to try and say lay off this movie, when 40 other people bash it.perhaps after the reviews it has received, you will be LAID OFF, at least obama added 8 extra weeks of unemployment...good luck..


I've learned that if anyone is secretly the maker of this film it's Live-Evil

I got more entertainment just looking at his post history and seeing him whine about every single complaint about this movie and gush about how amazing the movie, filmmaker, and lead actress are, than anything in his "film".

some tips for Rob. maybe ease back on the point by point defense of every single complaint on the internet, stop trying to pack a "best slasher film of the decade!" blurb into every post, and stop using "how many films have YOU made?" as a comeback. makes it a lot less obvious and desperate looking.





what about the killer talking via "cell phone" what a cool idea. (sigh)


#?? Medical Adhesive doesn't work worth a *beep*

Say hello to my new sidekick virii96 AKA Choada Boy


When escaping a killer, always go back to where you were originally kidnapped and hang out there for awhile.

Even though there are only two entryways into the gas station market that you and your friends are defending, a killer might still be able to sneak under the counter and wait to strike.

If some guy is sending abusive text messages to a girl that you just met, don't go confronting the guy or you might get your head blown off.

If a couple is talking behind your back and one of them calls you a hooker, there's a very high likelihood that you really are one.

If you hide in a freezer wearing only a tank top, your nipples will get hard.

Serial killers drive very nice cars.

Crazy glue will eat your face upon contact.

Serial killers will remove the corpse hanging from a window but they will not touch the corpse laying in the grass.

Police web sites look like old DOS interfaces.


#34 Cops will e-mail you back.

#35 Places in the South can be "moist".

#36 Cell phones can speak in many different voices.


#37 - No matter how much pain a serial killer is in they never make a sound.

#38 - Stupid women will survive.

#39 - Even after getting their face and eyes eaten off buy super glue and then crushed in with a bat a serial killers will still get up and leave.

#40 - Super glue will eat and melt your skin.

#41 - Someone who never talks needs a cell phone.


When you watch the video of the killer typing in the password on his phone, dont rewind it to see what it is, just keep watching it til the camera dies

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42.) If you run a funeral home and hear someone screaming and banging on the inside of a coffin, make no effort to help them.

43.) No matter where you run, the killer will track you down - even when he couldn't possibly know where you've gone.

44.) If your brother-in-law picks up a woman on the side of the road, he is automatically cheating on your sister.

45.) If you know the identity of the amnesiac you're aiding, it's best not to tell her and let her lead you into situations that will get everyone killed.

46.)Anthony and his friend agree that sexy bitches are their favorite kind of bitches.

Movie Review Blog:


#47) When you have dead aim with a shotgun and a much bigger than you masked serial killer with a knife is quickly approaching, by all means do not shoot him...instead, do nothing as he walks right up to you, takes ur shotgun and blows your head off

#48) When a serial killer is after you, just fall to the ground numerous times and say i give up

#49) Bobbi Sue Luther has some awesomely humungous ( o Y o )


I just watched this crap! Really stupid film/script and bad acting at its best! Only the gore effects were really good compared to some more popular horror flicks!

Although i don't like this kind of lists, this one should be 1000 Things i Learned..., lol.

#50. Noboby knows you don't need a password to call emergency from a cellphone? Any cellphone!

"Worst/Best movie EVER!" posts
are science fiction and should be deleted!
