MovieChat Forums > Iron Man 2 (2010) Discussion > Which Marvel movie do you dislike the mo...

Which Marvel movie do you dislike the most?...

Spider-Man 3, X-Men: The Last Stand, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Iron Man 2, Iron Man 3, The Amazing Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, or Thor: The Dark World?

Of course, if there's any Marvel movie (that you dislike) that I didn't mention feel free to add it as a response to this thread.

Anyway, for me it's a tie between Iron Man 2 and Spider-Man 3 because both of those movies sucked hard. Say what you will about Shane Black's Iron Man 3 and Marc Webb's Amazing Spider-Man Duology, at least those movies never turned into a musical with singing and dancing (a'la Spider-Man 3) and they were self-contained stories that were not a commercial for The Avengers like Iron Man 2 was. Of course, Amazing Spider-Man 2 showed you that Sinister Six technology at the end of the film (after Gwen Stacy's funeral) but that was after the story was done.

TASM 2 didn't put the story on the back-burner to have a commercial for the Sinister Six movie.


Plastic-man I

Thor I has the worst love story ever

The stupid have one thing in common.They alter the facts to fit their views not the other way


The whole X-Men Franchise, including the Wolverine movies.


Well, the Marvel movie I dislike the most (counting only MCU movies) is Iron Man 2 easily. In fact, it is the only MCU movie I genuinely dislike.


Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (2011) would be my choice for worst Marvel movie

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X-Men Franchise
X-Men 3: Last Stand
X-Men Origins Wolverine

Spider-Man Franchise
Spider-Man 3 (it is really the cringy dancing down the street and dance at the bar that I dislike the most)
The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Marvel Cinematic Universe
Iron Man 2 (saw it last year for the first time since it came out, what a mess)
Captain America: First Avenger
The Avengers
Thor: Dark World

Fantastic Four (2005)
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

I don't really dislike some of them, at the time they killed a couple of hours when going out.
