what does the chest piece exactly do
the title. in iron man 1, at the beginning of the film, it is clear that the chest piece was to replace the car battery to supply energy to "trap" the shrapnel from getting to the heart, then later on in the film and in the 2, in seems more a heart replacement, these are several quotes that support that; "this can power the heart many many times" ; "pepper: this prove that Tony has a heart" ; the swapping chest plate scene made Tony went to a cardio thing; when Tony chest piece got robbed, he crawled like he had no heart; in The Avenger; Tony mentioned about the relationship between his plate and the shrapnel; Loki failed to touch his "heart" to affect him.
so whats does the plate really do, and beside, with all the super fictional technology and Tony's command, why couldn't he just take it out??