You can start eliminating some of those 5 reasons now and here's why.
Reason #5) Darker and more adult material.
You mean like Green Lantern? Even though being darker works for characters like Batman, it doesn't exactly work for other characters like Flash or even Superman. I guess what you mean by adult material is being mature and not humorous. I hope you didn't mean adult material by adding flying spaceships shaped like penises. Again that works for Batman but not so much for Flash and other characters. No one is going to want to see a dark and brooding Wally West.
Reason #2) Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy
I don't know why this would be a reason since TDK Trilogy has nothing to do with this new DCU. Not only that, but Nolan is no longer a part of that anymore. He moved on. So much for that. The New Batman (played by Ben Affleck) will probably be played a little different from the Nolan Batman. And if so will end up Nullifying the Nolan Batman like the Nolan Batman did to the previous versions of Batman played by Michael Keaton and George Clooney. So with that being said, Nolan's Batman can't be used as a reason because he's not part of the DC Filmverse just like Ang Lee's Hulk is not part of the Marvel Filmverse.
Reason #1) Zack Snyder and David Goyer
Even though Zack Snyder is filming BvS movie, I think Zack will be edged out of future DC movies. David Goyer is already getting edged out out of the BvS project by one of Affleck's old writers.
#4) More Secrecy
The reason why there was so much secrecy (as you call it) was because at the time there was nothing to keep secret in the first place. The WB didn't let out plans for their DC Universe because at the time they didn't have any plans. Man of Steel wasn't originally going to be the beginning of the DCCU. At first it was only going to be a reboot of the Superman franchise.
WB was in the middle of making MoS when The Avenger Movie came out. Then the WB announced that a Justice League movie was coming out in 2015 only a month after the Avenger movie made all it's success. That's when the WB started to go to work on their DC Filmverse by adding easter eggs into MoS. And the reason why MoS had no end credit teaser was because WB weren't sure where they were going to go with it next.
I'm sure that originally MoS 2 was supposed to be a stand alone sequel, but after MoS #1 didn't seem to live up to the studio's box office expectations, WB decided to go with a more bankable and insurable approach by putting Batman into the next movie.
And so much for cornering the market on secrecy. Ever since the BvS movie was announced, WB's been keeping the public informed about new actors joining the movie and what characters that they will be playing.
Zachary Leeman: They (the WB) want unique artists that are going to be different no matter what. It’s a huge gamble, but it’s nice to see someone taking gambles when it comes to superhero films rather than playing it safe and boring us.
And criticizing Marvel for not taking risks? It was Marvel who stuck their neck out in the first place by attempting to make a filmverse. No studio in the business at the time wanted to take that risk. Now every studio wants a filmverse. And Marvel was the first studio that had the balls to take a risk to do something that no other studio was willing to take a risk on. Making a Cinematic Universe.
Several years ago the WB tried an attempt to make a Justice League, but bailed in early production. I Guess they didn't have faith in their product like Marvel Studios has in theirs. After all the WB didn't get motivated to make a Justice League movie or a DC Filmverse until they saw the success of the Avengers and until after it was proven by Marvel that making a filmverse was possible and could be successful at the same time. So if it wasn't for Marvel and what they did their would be no DC Filmverse. I know you don't want to Zachary Leeman, but you have to thank Marvel for making it possible for having a DC Filmverse.
And btw if the Marvel movies were so boring, than why are they so popular and successful? So tell me ZL. What's your opinion on Jonah Hex, Cat Woman and Green Lantern? All made by the WB.