5 and a half years later...
I always liked this movie... liked the additions of Mickey Rourke, Sam Rockwell, Garry Shandling and Scarlett Johansson to the cast.
The thing that probably hurt this movie was that it was RUSHED, wish they had had more time to make it properly.
Mickey Rourke was underutilized and was beaten rather quickly at the end.
Love when he jumps at the beginning of the movie from the plane, also Whiplash's attack in Monaco.
and one of my all time MCU scenes is when Tony and Hammer meet at the bar in Monaco with the
journalist and Pepper.
Overall it deserves a slightly higher rating than the current flat 7 that it has... maybe a 7.5
5 1/2 years later I appreciate it more than when it was originally released.
Has your opinion about this movie changed since 2010?