Hammer Joke
"Hammer needs a slot." (laughs ensue)
Could someone explain that one to me?
If I understood it correctly, and I'd like to think that I did, I think it crudely means Justin Hammer needs a woman.
I don't get vests. What, is it winter on your torso and summer on your arms?
Not sure if serious, but slot sounds like 'slut' and Tony saying it to the reporter Christine after him and Pepper talk about how she 'did a big spread' on him last year makes the whole scene hilarious!
The Hammeroid attack line and the whole dialogue around the Ex Wife (esp. Sam Rockwell's delivery) all made this one of the funniest Marvel movies ever. I'd say it's on par with Guardians of the Galaxy with the humor rating.
Lol. It’s a pretty good line/joke, especially given the context
shareBtw, hoping Hammer will appear again in a future MCU property (it’s been confirmed that some characters from the earliest MCU films will be seen again in Falcon & Winter Soldier, maybe he’ll be one of those). Such a hilarious character.
Oh, and the lifeless broken ass record trolls up here (blocked but I can detect ya, unoriginal troll)..... petty peasant
Like a slot machine... Hammer's penis is the quarter, the slot machine has an opening like a vagina.
I never thought of it as "slut".
I am a huge fan of the first 2 Iron Man movies, they are my favorite Marvel movies (Iron Man 1 = 10/10, Iron Man 2 = 8/10).
Adult humor, one night stands, drinking, etc...
It was like watching a James Bond movie where he has a flying armor... then when Disney stepped in it all changed, became sanitized and boring... good for them that they were able to make a lot more money... I guess.