Is this another Kill Switch or is it of Pistol Whipped quality?
I am banking on it being one of his better films, Kill Switch just didn't quite do it.
I am banking on it being one of his better films, Kill Switch just didn't quite do it.
"bust his chops!"
Don't bet on it, just hope :-)
it looks cheap and unstylish, but looks like it has all the good stuff we need
No Justice Just Us
i dont think it looks cheap not compared to films from romania and bulgaria that he was making now they were cheap
watch van dammes SIC theres a big battle scene in the middle of a street in romaina with explosions which when show from a long way off is filmed in a studio and you can see the edges of the studio and its clearly not even a real road but a pretend looks really cheap
Well, Seagal himself seems to think that Ruslan will be the beginning of better films for him, as he says he is now free of obligations to the producers who he says have continually ruined his movies after he has completed them.
A quote from a recent interview:
Q: Kill Switch comes out on October 7. Even though it won't have a theatrical release, do you still celebrate when one of your movies comes out on DVD?
Seagal: Many of the movies that had certain people attached -- I don't know the titles -- I've never seen the movie and will never see the movie, just because I resent what they did to screw the movie up so much. But those people are no longer around from Ruslan on, so maybe from Ruslan on I think I can maybe have a little more celebratory attitude.
Here's the interview: