whitewashed garbage

bad mojo


The creator (Japanese) disagrees.

But why listen to him, what does he know.

By all means, continue your baseless virtue-signaling.


We shouldn't, because he's a foreigner who is not familiar with the problems that Asian American actors have to face in Hollywood.


Translation: He's not in America, so he hasn't been brainwashed into seeing racism in everyone and everything, including where it doesn't exist.


thankyou again.




That has nothing to do with this movie since it employed more Asian American actors than virtually every other Hollywood blockbuster.

The Major did not look like a Japanese women in the anime.

This movie needed a huge budget to get the look right, and to get that huge budget it needed to have someone of SJ status as the lead. So many of the Japanese live action adaptations of anime end up mediocre at best b/c they don't have anywhere near the budget needed.


It was still a story about conspiracies and human experiments. Once you've seen one, you've seen them all. This movie was so boring that I fell asleep while watching it.


Major was supposed to be Asian in the anime. Sure, most anime characters don't necessary "look" Asian because the artists give them BIG eyes and such, but they in fact are Asian.


Not according to the creator of the character, but what does he know.


Also, do you realize the irony of your statement?

In the movie SJ doesn't look Asian, but the movie shows that she has a Japanese mother, thus she is Asian.

So the anime has a main character who doesn't look Asian in any way but is, and the movie has a main character who doesn't look Asian in any way but is also still Asian.

I agree, many characters in anime have physical traits (hair color, eye color, eye shape) that would suggest they are something other than Asian. Where is the outrage for that?

Anime have english dubs b/c they want to reach a bigger audience. This movie is the same on a much bigger scale. I've never heard of a controversy over an english dub for an anime unless it's b/c the dub changes the tone with their translation. This movie did not do that.


But Scarlett Johansson is NOT Asian. They could have got an Asian actress who perhaps had white features, but instead they got a white actress with white features.


That's unrealistic. Name me a well known Japanese actress with caucasian features that could justify the budget given to this movie. I can't even think of a single example let alone a well known one.

The people who come off racist in this particular debate are the ones clamoring for an Asian/Japanese actress to play the major when the creator of the anime made that character non-Asian looking, and gave his blessing to the SJ casting. It's especially patronizing when those people claiming "whitewashing" ignore or dismiss the creators view b/c he's being paid or he's been compromised by the money from the studio.

I'm done with this debate. It's beyond stupid. There are plenty of real incidents of racism or "whitewashing" to get upset about. The extremists claiming it in this instance give ammunition to the extremists on the other side, and just hurt the people trying to combat real racism or actual cases of "whitewashing".


Finally a voice of reason.


thanks for the laugh.


Nope it definitely was not whitewashed. There's a rather good explanation for it in the movie that I don't recall being present in the anime (which also featured The Major as something other than a Japanese women).

Claiming whitewashing where there is none or where it's at the very least dubious is counterproductive in many ways.


I don't think it was too bad in the end.. effects were pretty good and i think it captures the spirit of the anime pretty well....


Here come the lunatic lefties, don't you have a Shapiro talk to protest or something?


It's a garbage movie not because it is whitewashed. It is because it is garbage period. Maybe if it came out before other movies about cyborgs came out then it would have been a fresh concept.


This movie was an over-sterilized CGI turd that had no soul.
There in fact was no Ghost in the Shell.
