His girlfriend...

...basically gave up on him, when he was down and needed her the most. Why have Eddie still reconciled with her after he became successful because of NZT?


He loved her, and love's funny that way.

But in fairness to the plot, Eddie was pretty much down on himself as well.

He confirmed as much in the TV series -- he hated the way he was, so it stands to reason he wouldn't condemn his girlfriend for doing likewise

For what it's worth, looks like they're no longer together by the time the TV series starts up


Yes, I know but it was still funny when Eddie became successful and in the next scene, she sits with him in a fancy restaurant like nothing happened. And she wasn't suspicious at all, after Eddie could speak a foreign language fluently.


The foreign language was after she knew about NZT


He talked to a waiter (Italian, if I remember correctly, not the Chinese one at the end of the movie), after they reconciled.


Hah, you're right! I completely forgot about that bit!

I went and rewatched it after your reminder - your original point in this thread is still valid, BUT I have to say it never occurred to me before because (A) Eddie was likely still in love with her and/or (B) winning her back was one of his NZT-fueled stunts when he was still seeing what the drug could do.

The TV series actually plays on this trope - a SWAT team decides to experiment with NZT, and the protagonist identifies them by searching social media for people doing, for want of a better expression, "things someone would do while on NZT" (free climbing a building, in that instance)


I've seen the series before but I'll rewatch it. It's a shame it got cancelled.
